Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Deviations, Or Making Shit Up

So, Jason and I realized the big Mountain training program Jason purchased was not going to work for us especially after emailing the Rob Shaul about our dilemma. His response was basically, you dumb shit, did you read the description? And, what should I have expected from a guy who trains special forces soldiers for a living. As a side note, I was a teacher for years with all types of students. And, when you are around other teachers you constantly hear the motto, "there is no such thing as a dumb question." That, is a total lie. Just for the record, there are dumb questions; they are defined as a question that could have been answered by just not being lazy and not reading and inquiring a bit more on your own. And, the military trained mind knows this better than anyone. Anyway, so we are making it up as we go until we feel like spending more money on the right program. I have to say it is inspiring and fun to make it up. And, here is what we did on our own.

Monday June 18th 

Warm Up
7 minutes of Sandbag Get-ups 60#

(1) 5 rounds (I accidently did an extra set!)
8 Sand bag Clean to front squat to push press 60#
4 boulder problems hard but doable. If you fall just move one to the next.

(2) 4 rounds
5 figure fours off hanging wood dowels.
20 sec. bridge complex
10 legs up side to side

The sand bag cleans really worked my hands in combo with the boulder problems. 

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