Sunday, February 06, 2011

Life is a Wirlwind

I really don't know how people it all.  I always thought that things would get more stream lined throughout life; I would just get better at what I already do and then as new stuff came along it would just be taken into the fold of  my life.  Not, so.  What a total fallacy that was -- for me that is.  With the total decline of our economy I have had to resign myself to working more and climbing much less.  I have a great woman in my life now too and we are looking at making a family.  To top it off, I founded a climbing gym in my home town that takes much of my time and energy.  I did this because I couldn't travel and climb cause of the loss of revenue in my business.  But, I am not deterred from continuing to climb.  I have friends who climb a lot and have families.  It may not work out that way for me I have to admit.  It may just get harder, because I am choosing to go down the family and kids path at the age of 38.  But, there are points of light in this process that would say otherwise.

Started a non-profit bouldering gym in my home town has taken a lot of time and energy from my person climbing time.  But, since then my overall climbing skills have jumped dramatically having a place to train when I can't go off to Canada or other places to climb ice in the winter.   At least I will be strong for a summer season of rock and alpine.  I don't see this year being much better from me financially, but those local mountain projects will be getting done cause I can't afford to pay the gas to travel.  Plus, I have a partner that is totally committed to us being a climbing family.  She sees us traveling and climbing and even hiring a nanny to go with us!  We are smart and capable with good ideas on how to thrive in this crap economy that just doesn't appear to be getting any better any time soon.  Because, I don't want to be left in the shadow of this peak oil, green revolution, cap and trade, etc revolution that will leave millions if not billions more people in the have-not category.  I grew up during the time of cheap gas and remember how we traveled and explored for many miles across the western landscape.  I talk with friends who climbed in the 80's.  People who didn't make a lot of money, cause you didn't have to to make a trip to the Valley or the Bug's.  It's not so these days.  As we move into this brave new world there will be far less to explore not because it's not out there but, because we just can't go for it anymore, unless you are one of the privileged people who have the means given to them by families who made their wealth on a bygone economy.  So many of the conversations I over hear or listen to on the radio or TV and with friends seem to have the opinion that we the people of this country are a the problem and not the solution.  As long as we believe such rubbish, the dark shadow of lost liberty and poverty will continue to grow over our country.   So, I guess I have to just keep fighting for the things that matter to me:  God, Family, Country, and Climbing!  And, the freedom to pursue all of them  unfettered by financial and regulatory burdens of an over reaching federal government whose policies, from all I can see, are two faced and benefit only the wealthy and politically connected and saddle a majority of the country (the middle class) with these burdens.

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